Designate card pecking order to add Amex Offers in
in backlog
Esther Y
Many of us have a bunch of Amexes under the same SSN. Since most offers can only be added to one card per SSN, it would be great to set a “pecking order” so that offers are always added to higher value cards first. Like the Dell offer would be added to Biz Plats first instead of Hilton or something (not a great example, but you see what I mean about adding good offers to the “wrong” cards).
Morgan Bowling
in backlog
We will look into this for the future.
Terrance Yu
I don’t mind how Amex offers are currently activated but it’s slowing down the app to the point of unusable. I have to restart the app multiple times. It’s be nice if there’s an desktop version or ability to hide uninterested offers to keep the system running faster. I am seeing 4500 offers and that seems to be maxing out the system.
Yadim + Medore
Is this now live in 2.10?
However, my experience is that the "killer app" functionality of MaxRewards is that most offers are added to multiple cards with same SSN, as long as those cards are grouped under a single login.
Anik Khan
in progress
Coming out in 2.10
Ryan + G
Anik Khan: Has this already been released or something in a future release?