Enable customization of bonus categories to two digits
Anik Khan
You can adjust custom categories to two decimal points.
Marcia Cunning
in progress
Anik Khan
Could you share the use case around this?
Anik KhanI have an employee American Express card for my business gold card which which has a new card member bonus which provides an additional 5K membership rewards points for $2,000 spent effectively increasing return on each multiplier by plus 2.5 x so I would be increasing the multiplier on my choice categories from 4X to 6.5 x. I would be increasing the travel rewards multiplier from 3x to to 5.5 X. Additionally it would be good to be able to modify the catch-all category and also to be able to add categories ad hoc.
Anik Khan
Mark We can add additional precision pretty easily. That will be available in an update soon.