Manually Edit Cards

We used to be able to edit cards if the earnings were incorrect. Please re-enable this feature.
Morgan Bowling
in progress
We are working on additional customization features for Card Details.
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Morgan Bowling
You can now customize your reward rates for cards via the Card Details page!

Amanda Moneysaver
Morgan Bowling Hi this works for the categories already added, thank you, but there is no ability to customize the “Everything else” category. It is stuck at whatever MaxRewards put it in as.
My card is giving an extra 1% back for 1 1/2 months so I went in and added 1% to all the categories, but I can’t do that for the “everything” category. Changing the point value (e.g. making 1 point equal 2 points), wouldn’t work because that would mess up the other categories.
Also we still can’t manually add or remove categories and subcategories. Please restore that ability, as MaxRewards clearly doesn’t have enough staff to manually update and double check the accuracy of all cars categories and subcategories.

Amanda Moneysaver
This is especially important because MaxRewards is short on staff an definitely doesn’t have the staff time to keep our credit card rewards info up to date. I
t is so important for a lot of reasons, including promos cards have that don’t have the ability to link merchant offers in MaxRewards. If I can manually edit a card’s cash back on specific categories, then I can add that promo manually for myself.
It also allows people to use the app in other customized ways as they see fit. For example I have some discounted gift cards that I had previously “added” to MaxRewards v2 by adding a credit card with 0% rewards and then manually adding the categories my gift cards are in with a high cash back % so that they show up as my best card to use. This allows us to make the app more useful and relevant to us while MaxRewards slowly and incrementally adds features.
Morgan Bowling
in progress
We are working on additional customization features for Card Details.

+1 I have special offer on my card in Q4 and I can still see the rate I modified. But I can’t see it anywhere and I’m worried it will be carried over to the next quarter!