Quarterly spend offers tracking
John Sullivan
Please add Quarterly spend offers tracking to your new card bonus display. Freedom, it, dividend, etc credit cards have feature that gives you increased spend bonus rate for a specific quarter or time frame for a spend up to a maximum about usually $1500 for a particular spend category or categories like gas or grocery, etc. i can currently set up in your app a custom spend bonus rate for a particular category or categories under a specific card but what your app does not track and display my progress to reaching the maximum dollar spend for that offer. Right now I have to do that by hand calculation, so it would be very very helpful if your app did this for me. For credit cards like freedom, it, dividend, etc have different offers each quarter and require activation, could you automatically activate these offers for me and display progress to these spend limits. This would be a great feature
Anthony Mills
I would like the categories quarterly spend limit progress/reminder feature also.